
Recent Posts

  • October 09, 2024

    A humblebrag on the amazing work that I've been a part of: 93% Human

    Whether it’s just me or a trait of most scientists, I get super excited by working with new people who work in an area of science which is outside my area of expertise. I have generally had a major issue saying “no” to people, so as a consequence ...

  • May 11, 2021

    Adelaide BioMed City Presentation: Bioinformatics at the SAGC

    Below is a recent video I did for the Adelaide BioMed City (ABMC) Research Minireview titled “The University of Adelaide on Genetics”.In the video I introduce the South Australian Genomics Centre’s (SAGC) Bioinformatics capabilities and touch on s...

  • July 24, 2019

    Australian Academic Data Sharing from the terminal

    Author Preface: Yes I know its been a while between blog posts! Just a little note to say that this site will be changing a little soon from a personal blog to a group blog. I want to promote the work of my awesome team at the SAHMRI Bioinformatic...

  • June 01, 2017

    Tools of the trade: The Up and Atom Edition

    Given the amount of brain-space that I reserve to remembering all of the players from the 1992 West Coast Eagles premiership team and obscure Simpsons references, from the title of this post I think I’m forgiven from sharing this classic:But I dig...

  • May 08, 2017

    Guest Post: Tim Rabanus-Wallace

    This is a guest blog post created by my wonderful (and now former) PhD student Tim Rabanus-Wallace about a recent paper that we got published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. Tim has now started a postdoc at IPK Germany, but has kindly made a in...